Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Dir: Kenneth Branagh
Starring: Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, and Keira
Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, and now Chris Pine
have each portrayed Tom Clancy’s C.I.A. analyst, and all around defender of
America, Jack Ryan. “Jack Ryan: Shadow
Recruit” presents an origin story for the title character who is introduced as
a newly acquired operative. Kenneth Branagh capably directs the cloak and
dagger tale with action flare though unfortunately the narrative doesn’t
resemble more than a moderate rendition of the typical spy standard.
The story begins with Jack Ryan (Chris Pine) as a college
student at an economics school in London on the day of the attacks on September
11th. Sometime later Ryan,
now in the military, is in Afghanistan on a helicopter that gets shot down
leaving him in a rehab facility recovering from his injuries. Here Ryan meets a
naval officer named Thomas Harper (Kevin Costner) who enlists Ryan as an
analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency.
Director and actor Kenneth Branagh portrays the familiar
Russian bad guy in the film, thick villainous accent and all. However, Branagh’s
skill here is emphasized in his direction of the film, taking what could have
been a generic offering and making it more entertaining than it otherwise might
have been. The initial setup is quick, moving Ryan from a student to an
undercover compliance manager looking for terrorist activity on Wall Street.
Ryan uncovers some encrypted files hiding large financial transactions in
Moscow and is jetted to investigate. This is where the action levels up and
Branagh utilizes the cat and mouse tactics to heighten the suspenseful moments.
Still, it’s hard to overlook some of the narrative discrepancies, particularly
those pertaining to the composition of Ryan’s abilities and the strategies of
the company he works for. Branagh never over brandishes these flaws but instead
moves steadily forward on familiar ground.
Pine is good as Ryan; his naturally charming sensibilities
make his character likable from the beginning. While Branagh is a capable
actor, his character here isn’t given much to do except sneer and make threats.
Costner’s supporting character offers a nice “passing of the torch” quality.
Costner, who has played all types of American hero’s in his storied career, is
good in the role of mentor for Ryan.
Branagh, avoiding many of the flaws in the narrative, crafts
an entertainingly customary action film. Clancy’s inventive style and intellectual
narrative is only subtly touched upon in the script (not based on a Clancy novel) though the pacing that Branagh
utilizes masks the errors however. The quality of the actors in the film helps
as well, especially Pine and Costner who have good chemistry. While the film is
entertaining it’s not necessarily memorable however viewers looking for a
straightforward action film will find satisfying results in “Jack Ryan: Shadow
Monte’s Rating
3.00 out of 5.00
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