The Amazing
Spider-Man 2
Dir: Mark Webb
Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane
DeHaan, and Sally Field
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2”
ushers in the beginning of the summer movie season where big budget popcorn
flicks saturate the box office. Spider-Man has been a standard summer staple
for more than a decade; one that composed a trilogy directed by Sam Raimi and,
a mere 5 years after the conclusion, respawned a new vision directed by Mark
Webb. The first most recent reboot was surprisingly good, Webb focusing more on
Peter Parker’s developing responsibility and relationship than comic
extravagance. While some of those qualities are still present in “The Amazing
Spider-Man 2” they are also unfortunately clouded in a film that seems more
concerned with future films than the one that’s on display.
Peter Parker (Andrew
Garfield) is struggling, both with the responsibilities of his power and risks
that are brought to the meaningful relationships in his life, most
significantly his girlfriend Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). Peter is guilt ridden over the death of
Gwen’s father (Dennis Leary), so much that he envisions his disapproving
figure. Peter is a teenager who is beginning to realize the stress of growing
up, albeit one that is life threatening. New York City is at odds with the
protective role of Spider-Man but that doesn’t divert dedicated fans like the
underappreciated Max Dillion (Jamie Foxx), an Oscorp employee who has an
altering accident. Manipulation abounds in Oscorp and Peter must protect the
city, and the people he cares for, from a slew of threats.
Relationship is a central
theme with “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”. Webb has a talent for making his
characters come alive with conversation, especially with scenes between the two
leads and their complicated relationship. The success of Webb’s first film
rested with the character building quality, and while initially the tone feels
delightfully reminiscent things begin to get cluttered with additional
characters and predictable framework storytelling. Webb continues the excellent
action flourishes felt in the first installment, the swinging and leaping
Spiderman scenes feel like a perfect match for the 3-D element employed.
Unfortunately there are distracting tangents and suggestions that serve only a
small purpose within the present story being told but rather relate more
specifically to the extended future of the Spider-Man franchise and the never ending
unfolding arc. The introduction is lengthy, though the examination of Peter’s
remorse and subsequent guilt for the death of Gwen Stacy’s father and the
unraveling mystery of Peter’s parent’s abandonment is rather interesting.
Still, in the first hour, there is also the transformation of a mild mannered
man into electricity controlling villain, the reemergence of Peter’s childhood
friend Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan), and the growing complications of Peter’s
relationship with Gwen. That’s a significant amount of development even for a
film with a running time of 142 minutes.
While the film may be
packed to the brim with story, the chemistry between Emma Stone and Andrew
Garfield is great and keeps the film interesting. Dane DeHaan was a pleasant
surprise, crafting a menacing attitude as the heir of the conniving Oscorp that
makes him the legitimate formidable force against Spider-Man. Jamie Foxx comes
off a bit cartoonish, though the franchise and comic is known for over-the-top
character flourishes, but there are brief moments were his villain is allowed
ample screen time to let Foxx’s performance come to life.
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2”
is entertaining for a fun summer blockbuster but it doesn’t offer much more
than being an introduction to later films in the expanding franchise.
Monte’s Rating
2.75 out of 5.00
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